Четверг, 19.09.2024, 07:28  

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Adam Gontier
Áдам Гонтьер (англ. Adam Wade Gontier, родился 21 мая 1978) — гитарист, поэт композитор, бывший вокалист и основной автор песен группы Three Days Grace.

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11 лучших песен по мнению Адама
1. Ben Harper - "Lonely Day"
The "Live From Mars" version of this song is awesome. Ben Harper's got one of the most unique voices in music.

2. Slow Nerve Action – "Astroglide"
This is my cousin's band from Vancouver. Porno-funk....great music. Sort of "Chilis" meets Zappa.

3. Phil Collins - "I Don’t Care Anymore"
This was my biggest "F**k You" song when I was in high school.

4. Tragically Hip - "Yawning or Snarling"
Gord Downie tells a truly incredible story in this song... if you don't know this band, do yourself a favor, and check it out.

5. Pearl Jam - "Jeremy"
This is probably my number one favorite song of all time. Incredible... that's all I can say.

6. Tool – "Sober"
This song gets me going. Great one to warm up to before a show.

7. Soundgarden – "Rusty Cage"
Another warm up before I get on stage... heavy!

8. Jimi Hendrix - "Crosstown Traffic"
My cousin Josh got me into Hendrix. He's a genius. This song is a great driving tune.

9. The Doors - "The End"
This song always freaked me out when I was younger... but in a good way. I fell in love with the Doors pretty early on in my life.

10. Jeff Buckley - "The Sky is a Landfill"
Another killer track from a much missed musical genius!

11. The Police - "Roxanne"

Ever played the drinking game to this tune? Drink every time you hear "Roxanne"... You'll be blitzed by the bridge!
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